You were right on so many levels about college options for our daughter. It has been a godsend. And so were you, right when we needed you. You really know your stuff, combined with a keen intuition about every kid you see.

Ten Steps to Success

Everyone’s college planning process will be different, so these steps are just a general outline of our process. Extra meetings, phone calls, and emails are unlimited—whatever it takes to have a great outcome and a happy client!

Step 1

Introductory meeting and initial consultation.
A meeting with the student and parent(s).

In this meeting, we outline our process and get to know you better! We review your courses/grades, test scores, activities and interests, and ask your parents to share their perspective. We also recommend ways for you to develop your talents and seek leadership opportunities that show initiative.

Step 2

Let’s-Get-Started Meeting. 
A meeting with the student and parent(s)..

We introduce you to our software platform, Custom College Plan (CCP), our test prep, and assessments to explore your strengths and interests. We also discuss academic, testing and activity plans and the parents’ role in the college planning process.

Step 3

College Selection Meeting.
A meeting with the student and parent(s).

We guide you through a fun activity to better understand your college preferences and use the results to recommend colleges for you to explore. We discuss scholarships, financial aid, and how to “demonstrate interest” to admissions. Often, at this point, we recommend a practice standardized exam, either at our office  or online.

Step 4

College Visits Planning and Evaluation.
Ongoing process in junior & senior year.

College visits help you find the best fit and also show admissions you’re a serious applicant. We help you plan campus visits, provide tools to capture your impressions and, after your visits, meet with you to hear your feedback.

Step 5

Junior Year Planning Meeting.
A meeting with the student and parent(s).

Junior year, we meet to update your grades, test scores, and activities and to discuss college visits. We also work with you to begin to narrow down your prospective colleges list before beginning your College Research Meetings.  

Step 6

College Research Meetings for students.

During twice-monthly College Research Meetings, we introduce resources to further explore your colleges and finalize your list. We also discuss ways for you to introduce yourself to admissions, as well as other steps you can take to “demonstrate interest” – an important part of this process!

Step 7

Application Strategy Session.
A meeting with the student and parent(s).

We finalize your college list and discuss components of your application strategy, including letters of recommendation, essays, standardized testing and, possibly, a résumé. At this time, we also encourage you to view College Expert videos on essays, admissions interviews, and searching for scholarships.

Step 8

Let the Essays Begin!
One-on-one support for the student.

Let your creativity flow! We help you identify potential essay topics and select one that highlights “your story” and demonstrates your qualities, values and experiences. Your assigned Essay Expert will help you brainstorm ideas and review and critique your essays and supplements.

Step 9

Application Process.
Responsibility of the student (with our support).   

Every Sunday (Aug-Oct), during 2-hour Application Jam Sessions, our team provides guidance on essays, test scores, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and other supporting materials as you finalize applications. We also send weekly email reminders to help you stay on track.

Step 10

College Decision Meeting.
Final meeting with the student and parent(s).    

To support you in making your final decision, we meet with you to review your college responses and use a fun, unique system to guide you in choosing your college destination. Time to celebrate!