Volunteer Opportunities for Stay-at-Home Students

College ExpertCollege Expert Blogs, COVID-19, Volunteer 1 Comment

Many students are looking for ways to meaningfully use their stay-at-home time right now. If you’re wondering how you can help your community during the COVID-19 crisis, think about your genuine interests. Whether it’s art, working with children or healthcare, sharing your skills and talents can make an impact. Local organizations such as Hands on Twin Cities matches volunteers with …

How to Keep Learning When You Can’t Leave the House

College ExpertCOVID-19, Preparing for College, Resources 1 Comment

We know it’s a struggle right now. With classes, activities and part-time jobs, you’re used to being BUSY, and suddenly everything seems to have come to a halt. You’re also thinking about college and wondering how you can possibly build your application when you can’t even leave the house. There are many ways you can continue to pursue and develop …

Top 10 College Admissions Announcements This Week

College ExpertAdmissions, Advice for Parents, College Expert Blogs, COVID-19, In the News, Summer Activities Leave a Comment

The COVID-19 outbreak has added a new level of stress to the already emotional college application and decision process. As a result of the pandemic, students are worried about fast-approaching decision deadlines, the impact of remote learning on their GPAs and transcripts, and access to ACT and SAT tests, which they were hoping to take — or take one more …

Ten ways to learn about a college when your visit has been canceled

College ExpertAdvice for Parents, College Expert Blogs, COVID-19, Tours Leave a Comment

This has been a disappointing couple of weeks for college-bound students. Juniors have had to cancel their spring break visits and seniors, hoping to attend admitted student events, are concerned they won’t be able to revisit their top colleges before making a final decision. We feel for you and understand this isn’t quite how you expected this process to look. …

College Expert Addresses Coronavirus Concerns

College ExpertAdmissions, Advice for Parents, College Expert Blogs, COVID-19, In the News, Resources Leave a Comment

Dear Students & Parents,  Coronavirus is on all of our minds.  Along with everything else, this has certainly impacted the college planning process. We want to send out some practical talking points and recommendations during this unpredictable time. Obviously, please stay home if there are any symptoms. Remember that symptoms have been negligible among teens, but they can still carry …